Schools in Rutland, Ohio

This is a note that came from a connection to Rutland. Larry is sort of like the non resident Rutland, Ohio historian.

The part I thought both of you might like to see is the picture of the elementary school I went to in Rutland. The building was built just before the Civil War. I went here for grades 1-3. The first grade ceiling fell in during the night when I was in third grade. No one was hurt. They sent us all home that next day until they could figure out what to do. I spent the rest of third grade and all of fourth grade traveling from place to place for school. I think we had school in eight different locations until the "new" school was built. The "new" school that I attended for grades 5-8 was torn down before Dad (Raymond Biddle) came to live with us around 1999.

Rutland High School was torn down in the 1970's when they consolidated into one county high school.

Yes, Morgan's Raiders came through Meigs County headed east. A group of "home guard" battled with them near Langsville. They didn't burn my future school on their way through. The long gone huge Elm tree in our front yard was supposed to be where the Union soldiers kissed their loved ones goodbye before going off to fight the Rebels. I have some black and white photos of it. I played around the tree a lot as a child. I believe they cut the tree down when they tore down the house.

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